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read the FAQ’s

Can I downgrade from Elite to Pro?2024-08-17T02:42:19+00:00

Due to technical limitations its not possible right now. But we are working on it.

Can I upgrade to Elite if I already have a Pro key?2024-08-17T02:41:52+00:00

Due to technical limitations a Pro Key can be upgraded to Elite but, you will loose all the remaining days on Pro key validity. If you dont want to loose validity on your pro key, you will have to use secondary email to register new key.

Can I purchase multiple keys?2024-08-17T02:39:52+00:00

Every key is registered to one specific email address. If you plan on using the same key for a long period, you can bulk purchase 3, 6 or 12 months at a time. Otherwise, a new key has to be registered under a new email address.

Can I still use Patreon to obtain a Key?2024-08-17T02:38:53+00:00

No, We are moving away from Patreon, There will be no plans offered on Patreon.

How can i get a Refund?2024-08-17T02:37:45+00:00

All sales on are FINAL. We do not Offer any REFUNDS.

How do I get the Pro or Elite Role and all the perks on the Discord Server?2024-08-21T01:52:16+00:00

In addition to the exclusive features and safeguards, the key will allow you to access exclusive channels for Pro/Elite Members upon applying the Pro/Elite role to your profile. We will publish a guide soon for claiming roles.

How can I cancel my key?2024-08-17T02:35:59+00:00

For Patreon Follow steps below

1. Open Patreon and tap the “Account” icon from the bottom menu of the app homepage.
2. Tap on your profile name, where it lists the number of memberships.
3. Select the pencil icon to open the edit patronage page.
4. Tap the “Edit or Cancel Membership” link on the checkout page.
5. Select the option to cancel and tap “Cancel your membership” to confirm.

For Keyhub: Keys are a one-off purchase, there is no need for cancellation since keys do not automatically renew.

I used to have a key, but I cancelled; where can I find the new key?2024-08-17T02:26:57+00:00

Users keep their personal key, active or not. Once you renew your Patreon membership, the previous key will be processed again and activated in about 1-6 hours.

Or if you Purchase from key will be activated instantly.

Does the key renew automatically?2024-08-17T02:40:42+00:00

For Patreon: Patreon will bill you immediately and again the following month on your join date (for example, 21st Jan to 21st Feb) if the subscription is maintained.

For Keyhub: No, since it is a one-off purchase, you will need to manually reactivate your key, there is no option to automatically extend the duration.

It’s been longer than 6 hours, and I’m still waiting on my key; what do I do?2024-08-17T02:28:16+00:00

Please check your Patreon login and the associated Email address. If you used Apple to log into Patreon or if you chose to hide your mail in iOS/iTunes settings, you may notice that the recipient of the message changed to randomised letters and numbers, followed by In this case, you want to log into your Patreon account using this hidden email combined with your password, then check your message inbox.

If this does not apply to your case, please open a ⁠support ticket to talk to staff directly.

If you purchased from, key is displayed immediately on Thank you page after payment and sent immediately to your email as well.

How long does it take for the key to be delivered?2024-08-17T02:39:23+00:00

Keys are delivered almost instantly, the delay between registration and received will be almost non-existent.

How safe is using a key? Can I still be banned?2024-07-17T06:38:43+00:00

Although we can not predict actions taken against users based on their behaviour, our developers will always announce the safety status of the latest uploads. If an account was NOT exclusively used on SpooferPro before applying a Pro/Elite Key, it may see a gameplay limitation placed on it based on the fact that it was pre-flagged OR flagged again after the initial limitations were lifted.

Please note that we can not monitor user activity across apps and accounts. Thus, we will not take responsibility for any consequences users may face after switching apps/tools or using the free (no key) app version.

Why should I get a Pro/Elite key?2024-08-21T01:51:28+00:00

The key will unlock exclusive features inside the app that are only accessible to Pro/Elite members, and safeguards added by the developer will be applied to keep user accounts safe on IPA/SIDELOADED.

How many devices can i use my Pro/Elite key on?2024-08-17T16:11:07+00:00

The SpooferPro Pro/Elite key will activate the app on 3 Devices with no account limit.

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